Novel Radiofrequency Structures
We study innovative radiofrequency structures, such as metamaterial structures and structures with advanced coupling schemes. Novel structure R&D is at the heart of the success of future compact linear colliders and light sources based on SWFA. We also study the physics of RF breakdown, which is a fundamental hurdle to the operation of high-gradient RF structures.
Advanced Accelerator Concepts
We study advanced accelerator concepts (AACs) towards future TeV-scale linear colliders. We work closely with the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator group to demonstrate the great potential of structure wakefield acceleration (SWFA) to enable high-gradient acceleration and high-quality beam delivery beyond the capabilities of conventional accelerators.
Terahertz Wakefield Acceleration
We study terahertz and sub-terahertz (THz) structures for high-gradient SWFA. Traditionally, research on THz structures powered by microwave sources is limited by the lack of power sources and amplifiers in the terahertz gap. The SWFA approach is a promising alternative to demonstrate high gradient at THz frequencies, by using high-charge electron bunches as a compact and high intensity energy source.
Physics of Beam-Wave Interaction
We study how intense electron beams interact with novel accelerator structures, and how beam manipulation can be combined with structure R&D to provide high-gradient high-efficiency acceleration. Integrated studies of the advanced SWFA structure designs combined with beam manipulation technologies can endow the SWFA concept with the best possible performance.
Applications of Compact Accelerators
We are interested in compact accelerators and their various applications including novel radiation sources, medical and industrial systems, and particle detectors.
Experimental Facilities at the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator (AWA)
AWA: the main playground for our group's experimental studies